Home » Ansible Fundamentals | Engelstalig

Opleiding: Ansible Fundamentals | Engelstalig

Bij: CLS Trainingen


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Algemene informatie over de cursus

The course Ansible Fundamentals | Engelstalig provides an introduction into configuration management in general, and a deeper insight of the Ansible configuration management tool. The Ansible basics will be covered. At the end of the course you will be able to understand and write your own ‘plays’, ‘playbooks’ and ‘roles’.

  • When the number of systems to manage is growing, a point will be reached where managing these systems by hand is not feasible anymore. This is the moment to introduce configuration management. Ansible is an easy to learn, but very powerful tool to manage a large number of systems, without much effort.

Course attendees receive the following documentation:

  • a student pack with copies of the presentations, lab exercises, answers to the exercises, and background information;
  • a certificate as a proof of participation shortly after the course.

The course teacher has contributed to the Ansible code base, and he is a member of the ‘Ansible Ambassador Group’.

We also organize this course in Dutch. Via this link you will find more information.


The course is meant for Linux/UNIX system managers who want to use Ansible as a configuration management tool. The course is also meant for Devops engineers who want to use Ansible for a complete environment deployment.


Although Ansible is written in Python, knowledge of the Python programming language is not required. Knowledge of the Linux or UNIX operating system is needed. Experience with system management is definitely an advantage. This prerequisite knowledge can be obtained via our Linux UNIX fundamentals course followed by the course Linux application administration (in Dutch language) or the courses in our LPIC-certification program.


The course lasts two days.


The maximum group size is twelve people.


After the training you will receive a certificate.

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