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Opleiding: Certified Cloud Security Professional (CCSP)

Bij: IMF Academy (International Management Forum)


IMF Academy (International Management Forum)

Fellenoord 224


De Certified Cloud Security Professional (CCSP) Common Body of Knowledge (CBK) bestaat uit de volgende 6 domeinen die uitgebreid worden behandeld tijdens deze 5-daagse training.

Architectural concepts and design requirements
Understand Cloud computing concepts
Describe Cloud reference architecture
Understand security concepts relevant to Cloud computing
Understand design principles of secure Cloud computing
Indentify trusted Cloud services

Cloud data security
Understand Cloud data lifecycle
Design and implement Cloud data storage architectures
Understand and implement data discovery and classification technologies
Design and implement relevant jurisdictional data protection for Personally Identifiable Information (PII)
Design and implement data risk management
Plan and implement data retention, detection and archival policies
Design and implement auditability, traceability and accountability of data events

Cloud platform and infrastructure security
Comprehend Cloud infrastructure
Analyze risks associated to Cloud infrastructure
Design and plan security controls
Plan disaster recovery & Business Continuity Management (BCM)

Cloud application security
Recognize the need for training and awareness in application security
Understand Cloud software assurance and validation
Use verified secure software
Comprehend the Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC) process
Apply the secure software development lifecycle
Comprehend the specifics of cloud application architecture
Design appropiate Identity & Access Management (IAM) solutions

Support the planning process for the data center design
Implement and build physical infrastructure for Cloud environment
Run physical infrastructure for Cloud environment
Manage physical infrastructure for Cloud environment
Build logical infrastructure for Cloud environment
Run logical infrastructure for Cloud environment
Manage logical infrastructure for Cloud environment
Ensure compliance with regulations and controls
Conduct risk assessment to logical and physical infrastructure
Understand the collection and preservation of digital evidence
Manage communications with relevant parties domain

Legal and compliance
Understand legal requirements and unique risks within the Cloud environment
Understand privacy issues, including jurisdictional variencies
Understanding audit process, methodologies and required adaptions for a Cloud environment
Understand implications of Cloud to Enterprise Risk Management (ERM)
Understand outsourcing and Cloud contract design
Execute vendor management

Toelatingseisen: wat heb je nodig?

Certified Cloud Security Professional (CCSP) ? (ISC)2 exameneisen
(ISC)2 stelt de volgende eisen als u wilt deelnemen aan het Certified Cloud Security Professional (CCSP) examen, t.w.:
U dient 5 of meer jaren ervaring te hebben in de IT, waarvan ten minste 3 jaar in informatiebeveiliging en 1 jaar met Cloud security; en
1 jaar werkervaring in één van de 6 domeinen van CCSP CBK, de Certified Cloud Security Common Body of Knowledge (CBK). Zie voor de 6 domeinen de lesindeling.

N.B. Bent u in het bezit van de CISSP-titel, dan voldoet u al aan de werkervaringseisen.


5 dagen


De kosten van de 5-daagse Certified Cloud Security Professional (CCSP) training bedragen € 3.980,- (excl. BTW) per persoon. Dit bedrag is incl. koffie/thee, alle lunches en studiemateriaal. De kosten van het CCSP examen van (ISC)2 zijn niet bij de prijs inbegrepen en bedragen € 555,- per persoon.

Plaatsen / leslocaties

Centraal in het land

Beroepsbeeld: waar werk je en wat doe je?

In deze 5-daagse training wordt u opgeleid voor het internationale Certified Cloud Security Professional (CCSP) certificaat van (ISC)2.

Certified Cloud Security Professional (CCSP) is een nieuwe standaard van (ISC)2 die samen met de Cloud Security Alliance (CSA) is opgezet. In deze 5-daagse training - verdeeld over 6 domeinen - worden onderwerpen als Cloud Architectuur, de impact op Risicomanagement, Business Continuity, Identity Management en Compliance behandeld.

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