Home » iOS App Programmer

Opleiding: iOS App Programmer

Bij: College of MultiMedia


College of MultiMedia

Egelenburg 150-152

Inhoud van de cursus


The Swift Language

Data types (strings, arrays, …)
Variables and Constants
Optional Types
Memory Management
Branching (if, case)
Functions and Closures
Classes, Structures, and Objects
Methods and Properties
Enumerated types
Generic Programming
Functional Programming
The Foundation framework
Swift Playgrounds
Working with Objective-C
File handling
iOS App Development

Programming in Swift

Storyboards for building your interface
Outlets and Actions
Views and Drawing
Auto layout
Table and Collection Views
Delegation and other design patterns
View Controllers
Navigation Controllers
Core Location and Maps
Accessing Photos
Data storage with Core Data
Developing Universal Apps for iPad
View controllers
Animating interfaces with Core Animation
Networking with JSON Web Services
Developing Universal Apps for iPad

Toelatingseisen: wat heb je nodig?

Prior knowledge of a scriptingprogram language (e.g. Java, JavaScript, C++, C#, PHP, ActionScript)
Good English skill (the course is taught in English)
An iOS device (BYOD)

Duur van de cursus

5 dagen


Course taught in DutchEnglish

Plaatsen / leslocaties


Algemene informatie over de cursus

iOS App Programmer

You can now learn how to develop your own iOS Apps with CMM’s 5-day iOS App Programmer course.

iOS devices give consumers the ability to be more productive, more interactive and more communicative in so many different ways. People use Apps for everything, therefore programming and developing Apps for iOS devices, is turning into a large and financially rewarding business. Here you will learn how to program and develop your own apps with Xcode and Swift for the iOS platform.

Informatie aanvragen

Gegevens aangeduid met een * zijn verplicht in te vullen.
resterend: tekens
Cb9a2 Typ de code exact over: (hoofdlettergevoelig)
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